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Below are 32 Hotvedt oils and watercolors that have been located. The quality of the provided photos vary.


Paintings are one of a kind and much harder to locate than prints. The family does not have a catalog of his works so I'm always interested in locating new items. If you have a painting that's not on this page, please contact me as I'd love to have a photo and be able to document it.

Abandoned Farmyard.JPG

Abandoned Farmyard

brother laurence watercolor.JPG

Clarence's brother Laurence

Abandoned Schoolhouse.JPG

Abandoned Schoolhouse

Burl Arnold, distant relative thru marri

Burl Arnold, a distant relative

Cattle and Mesa.JPG

Cattle And Mesa

Creek and Bridge.JPG

Creek And Bridge

Grandson William.jpg

Grandson William

Grandson William (2).jpg

Grandson William

Mission In Taos.jpg

Mission In Taos

The watercolor on the left is the first he did of "Mission In Taos." He was not happy with it and left it in his studio with others that didn't meet his satisfaction. On his passing, his widow sold it and all the other "unsatisfactory" pieces. The one on the right is the one he released to the public. It's last known sale was at the Reuben Saunders Gallery in 2010.

Monday Morning - 1932.jpg

Monday Morning

Mr. Miles oil on canvas.jpg

Mr. Miles

Mrs. Walter Vincent.jpg

Mrs. Walter Vincent

October Memories.jpg


Pacific Ocean Coastline.jpg

Pacific Ocean Coastline

Retired Rancher oil on canvas board.jpg

Retired Rancher

santa fe lake water color.JPG

Santa Fe Lake

son robert in sailboat in RI1979.jpg

Son Robert sailing


Kansas Sunflower

still life.jpg

Untitled still life

still life with roses.jpg

Untitled still life

The Philosopher oil on canvas board.jpg

The Philosopher 

Tunnel Mill Dam.JPG

Tunnel Mill Dam

untitled 6 oil 30x36.JPG

Title unknown

unknown title.jpg

Title unknown

untitled Swan owned by granddaughter Lin

Untitled painting he did for 

his granddaughter

Wintry Day.jpg

Wintry Day

CA Hotvedt - Red Barn.jpg
IMG_0512 for web.jpg
CA Hotvedt - Mountain valley landscape.jpg

The three above are untitled.

untitled oil done at art school.JPG
untitled watercolor - art school project

Clarence painted the above oil and watercolor while attending the Art Institute of Chicago.

calendar pic.jpg

These are the only pieces of commercial art that have been located. On the left, for an unknown sun lotion and on the right, a painting that appeared on a calendar.

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