Below are 41 Hotvedt prints that have been located. Unfortunately the family does not have a catalog of his works so more could exist. Most of these are provided photos and the visual quality varies.
If you have a print that's not on this page, please contact me as I'd love to have a photo and be able to document it.
"Prints are intimate things and are meant to be handled and examined at close range, as is a rare book, a choice gem or a bit of old lace." --Coy Avon Seward, Community Arts and Crafts Monthly – 1929
A Bit Of Nostalgia
Courtyard Obispada Mission
Friendly Willows
Bygone Splendor
Four Brothers
Idle Boats
In The Park
In Old Provincetown
Lonely Cottage
Mill Road
Midsummer Sun
Mission San Jose
Morning Shadows
Old And Tired
Old Prospector
On The Chippewa
On Naragansett Bay
On The Road To Monterrey
Picnic 'Neath The Oaks
Street In Old Mexico
St. Anthony's Church
Summer Shadows
Tangled Willows
Texas Farm
The Chicago Stripper
The Alamo
The Old Guard
The Old Homestead
Three Score And Ten
The Old Van Zandt Place
Two Pines
Wilderness Path
Winter Day
Winter's Garb
Wichita Consistory Building
Davis Hall
Wichita Art Museum
Old Wichita City Hall